Atlas Menor #1: Disidencia Sexual
Conversación con Venidadevenida
Como parte de la presentación de Atlas Menor #1: Disidencia Sexual, charlamos con Ana Olmedo y Elena Águila, Venidadevenida, editoras invitadas del número.

VenidaDevenida identify as a collective, centred on the collaboration between Ana Olmedo and Elena Águila. With shared backgrounds in architecture and art, they first worked together while at the European University of Madrid in 2014. Their joint research focused on an approach to architecture and design as tools for activism, using them as speculative and investigative mediums.
> Ghosting Image > Ana Naomi de Sousa and Bernardo Amaral + conversation with Sinho Baessa de Pina > «Cosas» que se conducen solas > Jara Rocha + conversation with Ana Isabel Carvalho and Ricardo Lafuente (Manufactura Independente) > Anna Puigjaner + conversation with Paulo Moreira > Resurrecting the Sublime > Como un mundo que se desmorona cuando nadie está mirando > Caring assemblies. Designing for better futures. > Conversación con Venidadevenida > Transition Habitats > Mobile Server > Mary Maggic + conversation with Miriam Simun > Translating (with) Frank > Selling Bricks > Caballos de Troya y jardines nectaríferos