Caring assemblies. Designing for better futures is an online and physical public program that aims to question the violence and exclusions of design practices and speculate on how to build better futures at different scales, from molecules to the territories, through four conversations and a speculative fiction workshop. Caring Assemblies is a Satellite Activity of the Porto Design Biennale

A project by Bartlebooth
© 2021–now. All rights reserved.
Website by Aurora

> Jara Rocha + conversation with Ana Isabel Carvalho and Ricardo Lafuente (Manufactura Independente) > Ana Naomi de Sousa and Bernardo Amaral + conversation with Sinho Baessa de Pina > Mapeando futuros próximos > Selling Bricks > Conversación con Venidadevenida > Caring assemblies. Designing for better futures. > Territorio ectoplasma > Como un mundo que se desmorona cuando nadie está mirando > Fábulas energéticas > Anna Puigjaner + conversation with Paulo Moreira > Mary Maggic + conversation with Miriam Simun